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Let's start by answering some questions:

- So you're an "Experienced Professional"?

Yes, I am. Have a look at the "Projects" page and the skill-sets, knowledge and experience I've accumulated with each new challenge. That's why I consider myself an experienced professional.


​- Are you enthusiastic and motivated by what you do?

Continually! If you want to succeed enthusiasm and motivation are key, so when I’m asked if I'm still enthusiastic and motivated by what I do and after all this time the answer is yes, otherwise you don't do the job..


​- ​ What makes you stand out from the rest?

  • Teachability

- Teaching others new tools helps you, yourself, stay teachable,

- Keeping personal skill sets up to date through new exchanges and new regards with new encounters, regardless of age, role maturity or rank

  • A winning culture

- Cultivating a team identity
- Enhancing trust & building confidence
- Identifying the strengths & challenges of the team

  • Flexibility

- Developing the ability to respond to "non-standard" requirements.

  • Mobility

- Travelling has made me a much richer person so yes I'm mobile, geo-flexible you might say, and culturally adaptable as well.


- What are your core values?

  • Open-mindedness, a win-win mindset, positivity, curiosity, fidelity, ethos.


​- In a nutshell, what are you?

  • I'm a facilitator.  I make sure things happen, correctly.


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